Jesus Our Mother Prays for Us

Greetings, Praying Parents:

Sunday was Mother’s Day, and the text for the day was from John 17, a passage known as the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. I’ve always found this record of Jesus’ words to be daunting. John’s language is layered and complex, and I’ve never quite understood what Jesus was praying. But, since it was Mother’s Day, I attempted to reinterpret John 17 as a mother’s prayer. When I started the project in preparation for my sermon, I was surprised how much more meaningful Jesus’ words were when seen through the heart of a mother.

Following worship, a few people asked if I could share the prayer. Since I hadn’t paraphrased the whole chapter, and chunks were truncated to make a point, I decided to undertake a re-reading of the whole chapter. I trust you know I mean no disrespect, and I am aware of some of the theological implications of putting the prayer of Christ into the voice of a mortal mom, but I hope you’ll indulge my intent.

I’ve left in the verse numbers, if you would like to reread the parallel from John 17.

1 Heavenly Father, my time is almost gone. As your child, I want to bring glory to you, as you have given me so much. 2 You’ve given me children and the responsibility to raise them to know you 3 so that, in knowing you, they will have eternal life in Jesus Christ. 4 I’ve tried to glorify you in the work you have given me. 5 Because I know you, Heavenly Father, I have received blessing from the one who existed before the world began.

6 I’ve tried to live showing the world and my family the kind of God you are, especially to the children you have given me. 7 From the beginning to the end, they are your children; you gave them to me to me so that I could raise them to know you.

8 I gave to them from the faith you have given me. They’ve accepted your Word not because I said it, but because they grew to understand it was your message. 9 I pray for all children, but I pray especially hard for my children, because they are the ones you have given me. 10 Everything I have to share is from you, and anything special about my kids is simply because you have worked through them.

11 Someday I’m going to be gone, and then they’ll have to remember what I’ve tried to teach them since I won’t be around to bail them out. My Lord, they’ve been given good names, and I have given them everything. 12 Protect them so they can grow in the same faith you have given me. They’re all good kids, except for the one we don’t talk about, and even he was part of your plan.

13 All I want for them is to know you, because in you they will find true joy. I can die happy knowing that they know you and so they are truly happy. 14 Mark my words, I’ve given them everything. I know sometimes they’re upset because they don’t think they fit in. They’re afraid they won’t have any friends if they always do the right thing, but they need to understand they’re not like everybody else. 15 There are times I would just like to lock them in their rooms for their own good, but they’re grown, and I can’t ground them like I used to. 16 They’re not like everybody else; they’re MY kids. 

17 I pray, dear Jesus, that you’ll keep them honest, so they know your truth. 18 God knows I’ve tried my best to keep them safe and to teach them how to behave. 19 I’ve wanted to do the right thing so they would know the right thing.

20 I pray not only for them, but for those they meet and influence, 21 that they might get along in peace—peace with you and peace with one another. 22 I have given them love and attention, just as you have shown me love and attention, 23 so they might know, as I have learned, what it means to be close to you. Then, the world around them will know what it’s like to be loved, just as you have shown love to me.

24 Heavenly Father, I want my children to be with me in glory, so that where I am we may be together in your love as you intended it to be before you even made the world. 25 Heavenly Father, even though so many in this world have lost sight of you, I’ve been blessed to know you; you have given me meaning and purpose.

26 I have tried to show your love to my children, and I know you will continue to show them love. So, in that way, they are yours, and through you I’ve received blessing from them. 


Remembering the blessings of a praying mother, I remain,

With Love,
Jonathan Krogh
Your Pastor