News of the Church
worship and children’s/youth ministry
We gather for worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Recordings of the services can be found at for those who are unable to attend. You can also subscribe to "FPCLG Sermons" as podcasts through iTunes or your favorite content distributor.
Cross Trainers for grades 5-8, Faith Forest for grades K-4 and Noah’s Ark Preschool for ages 2-5 meet during the 10:00 a.m. service. Nursery care is also available for infants and toddlers.
Our TUXIS High School Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:15 p.m. in the third floor youth room.
Visit our Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry pages for more information.
FREE Commuter Concert series
Stop by on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m., and you'll be in for a treat. Invite a friend or neighbor, and meet us in the Sanctuary. You can support our Commuter Concert Series through our Online Giving page.
On the first Sunday of each month, we gather for coffeetime and fellowship in the Narthex after sharing in Communion during worship.
Volunteers are invited to sign up to host and provide a treat, such as doughnut holes, for one of the coffeetimes. Regular and decaf coffee are provided. If desired, hosts may provide an additional beverage option (such as tea, juice, pop or a fun creamer flavor). Contact the Church Office or use the SignUp Genius to pick a date to host. You can sign up on your own, as a family or with a group. Thank you!
A new group is meeting one Thursday per month at 7:45 p.m. in Westminster Hall to discuss climate issues. We are using a curriculum prepared by the Presbyterian Women of the PC(USA). Books cost $15 each. Please contact Betty McGinnis or the Church Office to sign up.
Mission & Outreach Book Discussion
Our next book discussion, which will give us the opportunity to talk about prayer, will be held on back-to-back weeks: Monday, February 17, and Monday, February 24, in the Church Parlor. Olivia Hein will lead the discussion of Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott. All are welcome, and participants are responsible for securing their own copy of the book. We'll gather for fellowship from 5:45-6:00 p.m. and discuss the book from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
trivia night fundraiser for water purification in el salvador
Trivia Night 2025 will take place on Saturday, March 8, at the American Legion Hall in La Grange. Gather your co-workers, neighbors and friends to come out and help us raise funds to continue to provide clean water for our partner communities in El Salvador. We just signed a covenant with a FIFTH partner community, Mercedes Umaña, with a planned installation visit by members of our Water Team in the summer of 2025.
Sign up at this link as a team (of up to 8 people) or as an individual or couple and we’ll pair you with other team members.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and trivia starts at 7:00 p.m. Entry fee is $30/adult and $15/student. You can pay through our Online Giving page or through Venmo.
If you have an idea for an auction item for our Living Waters Trivia Night Fundraiser, contact the Church Office at 708.354.0771 or
Living Waters Auction Webpage
Visit our new Living Waters for the World (LWW) auction webpage, where you can preview the items that will be up for auction at the March 8 Trivia Night Fundraiser. You can also place a bid using the online form (or by contacting the Church Office), whether you’ll be able to make it to Trivia Night or not! All proceeds from the auction will go toward our LWW ministry in El Salvador.
Provide a Dinner for Neighbors in Need
Constance Morris House is part of Pillars Community Health and serves those affected by domestic violence. After extensive renovations this past year, the residents returned to the facility this summer. Constance Morris is in need of dinners for their 20 residents, and FPCLG has the opportunity to help meet this need on the first and third Thursday of each month. This is a great activity to do as a family or with friends, and you are welcome to use the church kitchen for preparation and fellowship if signing up as a group. A main dish and side plus dessert (fruit is great) to feed 20 people can be dropped off anytime before 5:00 p.m. There is no need to worry about food allergies or restrictions. When asked what meals are preferred, the response was, “Prepare something you'd bring to your own family gathering.” You can view the schedule here to see available dates. Please contact the Church Office at for more information or to sign up!
Magazine Collection
Our Board of Deacons is collecting magazines with lots of pictures (not technical info) for use at an area nursing home's memory care unit. Examples are People, National Geographic, Better Homes & Gardens, etc. Please place donations in the blue bin in the Ashland Ave. vestibule.
"Buy a Part, Be a Part"
Our “Buy a Part, Be a Part” fundraising campaign for our Living Waters mission in El Salvador provides the opportunity to fund a specific piece of the water purification system that will be installed for our next partner community in El Salvador. Click here to visit our Living Waters Webstore and sponsor a piece of the system!
Reminder to Save Pop Tabs
Pop tabs from cans are collected in a labeled drawer in our 'recycling center' in the east cloister and delivered to Ronald McDonald House, which receives the market value of the recycled metal plus a charitable match from United Scrap Metal to support their mission of providing a home away from home for families who have a child in the hospital. Little things like pop tabs can make a big difference!
Drop Off Your Food Pantry Donations
Food donations (of both non-perishable items AND fresh produce!) for the local food pantry may be placed in the bin in the Ashland Ave. vestibule of the church. In addition to food, the pantry gratefully accepts donations of toiletries and other non-food items. We feature an "item of the month" to highlight some of these needed supplies. February’s item of the month is Band-Aids.
2025 Youth Scholarship Application
The FPCLG Scholarship Committee, Youth Ministry Committee and congregation are pleased to announce that college and technical school scholarships will again be offered for the coming school year to our graduating high school seniors and continuing education students of active faith. Fill out the scholarship application and tell us how FPCLG has played a role in your faith journey. Applications are due in the FPCLG office by 2:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2025. ALL scholarship recipients are expected to be in worship on Scholarship Sunday, June 8.
Many thanks to our generous congregation for supporting the “You Are Loved” Comfort Care Totes project for people going through cancer treatment. If you are aware or become aware of anyone of any age to whom you would like to give one of these totes, please let your deacon know or contact the Church Office.
2025 “PER CAPITA” AMOUNT IS $38.00
Each year, PC(USA) churches pay to support the work of their Presbytery, Regional Synod and National General Assembly based on each church’s total membership. You help us to cover this cost by paying the $38.00 per capita amount for each member of our church in your household. Per capita contributions may be made through our website or sent in to the Church Office. Contact Rick Foulke at 708.354.0771 or with questions.
Online giving on our website allows you to make one-time donations or set up recurring payments by charging your checking account, savings account or credit card through one of the industry leading vendors for secure payment processing. A confirmation e-mail is sent to you for each gift, and a record of your gifts is also visible to you. It is very quick and easy. To make an online gift, click this link. There is no need to set up an account, but taking a few minutes to do so will make it easier to track your giving history as well as make subsequent or recurring gifts. You can also complete our direct debit authorization form to set up recurring payments directly from your account.