Youth Ministry


(for Grade 8 and those who haven't already taken the class)

Our eighth graders meet weekly from September through May to learn about themselves, the Bible, Jesus, obstacles to faith, the church and membership, all in preparation to become members of the church if they so choose. If you are interested in our Confirmation program, contact the Church Office at

TUXIS—Together under christ in service
high school Youth group

(for Grades 9-12)

High school youth and friends gather throughout the school year for discussion and dinners, games and mission activities. They typically meet on Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:15 p.m.

TUXIS Spring 2025 Schedule:

January 12: Games, snacks and conversation
January 19: Breakfast at Blueberry Hill, 9:00 a.m. (no evening meeting)
January 26: Meeting at Riverside Presbyterian Church, 116 Barrypoint Rd.
February 2: Laser Tag in the Sanctuary
February 9, 16: No TUXIS—Super Bowl, President’s Day Weekend
February 23: Make your own pizza
March 2: Escape room?
March 9: Games, snacks, service project
March 16: St. Patrick’s Day Fun
March 23: Stronghold Weekend
March 30, April 6: No TUXIS, Spring Break
April 13: Easter games
April 20: No TUXIS, Easter
April 27: Bowling
May 4: Murder mystery
May 11: Games, snacks and conversation
May 18: End-of-year party/outdoor games
June 8: Scholarship Sunday, 10:00 a.m. worship service

Follow us on Instagram @FPCLGTuxis2 for more information.

2025 Mission Trip

Save the dates: July 20-25, 2025!

Canvas Bag Fundraiser

Support the TUXIS mission trips by celebrating our Grace Garden and purchasing a canvas shopping bag. You can purchase one for $8 or two for $15. They will be available during the week in the Church Office (M-F, 9-2). As always, we appreciate your support!


The FPCLG Scholarship Committee, Youth Ministry Committee and congregation are pleased to announce that college and technical school scholarships will again be offered for the coming school year to our graduating high school seniors and continuing education students of active faith. Fill out the scholarship application and tell us how FPCLG has played a role in your faith journey. Applications are due in the FPCLG office by 2:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2025. ALL scholarship recipients are expected to be in worship on Scholarship Sunday, June 8.