Adult Ministries

It's easy to get lost in a crowd, to feel lonely even though you may be surrounded by worshipers on a given Sunday. It is important for everyone to have the opportunity to be known and cared for and to find their niche in ministry. People grow spiritually in a caring, interactive group where they can ask honest questions and feel the support of fellow participants.

The following are some of the adult groups and studies available at First Presbyterian Church of La Grange. We hope you will feel welcome to join any of them. Your thoughts and ideas on possible future groups are encouraged and welcomed. Contact the Church Office for more information.

Weekly Groups

We currently have a women’s book group on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 during the school year and a men’s discussion group on Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. Contact the Church Office to find out how to get involved.

WOMEN’s ministry

Women’s Ministry offers several monthly small groups, including Bible studies, book clubs and a sewing circle; and they host monthly speakers and special programs open to everyone. Contact the Church Office at or 708.354.0771 for more information.

sunday morning Adult Education

Our Adult Education class meets in the Parlor most Sunday mornings following the 10:00 a.m. worship service.


Occasionally we offer a limited-time small group on a special topic, sometimes coinciding with a Sunday sermon series, such as a weeknight small group during the weeks of Lent leading up to Easter.

Climate Issues Study Group

A new group is meeting one Thursday per month at 7:45 p.m. in Westminster Hall to discuss climate issues. Please contact Betty McGinnis or the Church Office to sign up.