Bouncing Back & Sharing the Shock

Bouncing Back & Sharing the Shock

Dear Resilient Wrestlers,

Zooming as we are into the final days before Christmas, I’ve been musing about resilience, which is the capacity to thrive through change. Ironically, the first word of this blog post gives an example of adaptability—three years ago, "zoom" wasn’t a noun unless you were referring to a button on a sophisticated camera. Now, Zoom is not only something airplanes do, but also the name of a video communications platform so ubiquitous that it has become one of those words that refers to a whole category of connective software, as in, “We have a Zoom meeting today at 3:00 p.m. on Google Meet.” As we similarly ask, “What brand of Kleenex do you prefer?”

Resilience comes from the Latin word salire, meaning "to jump";