Church History
Previous pages:
The First Presbyterians in America
The Presbyterian Faith Comes to La Grange
The Building of our First and Second Churches
The Educational Wing—“If You Build It, They Will Come”
The Building of our Current Church
Our 100th Anniversary / The 21st Century Dawns
“Inviting People Into a Life of Meaning and Purpose in Christ”
The scripture lesson at the first service held after our charter was granted was from Psalm 1…And he shall be like a tree planted. Indeed, First Church’s roots are deep in in our community, and our branches and limbs have spread across our country and the world. Our church has never wavered from its purpose to spread the good news and do God’s work.
In 2005, Session formalized these beliefs in adopting our Mission Statement and Core Values. In 2019, a dramatic rendering of our Mission Statement was installed as part of the remodeling of our Narthex, which was dedicated in October 2015 in time for FPCLG’s 125th anniversary. The magnificent Tree of Life wall sculpture was added in 2019.
And Then the Pandemic…
Church life was relatively normal until March 10, 2020, when the pandemic hit and COVID-19 changed lives and livelihoods around the world. FPCLG went to online videos for Sunday services, and the congregation used Zoom and other technology for members to “gather” and continue the work of the church. During the summer months, outdoor services were held, but with the return of cold weather and resumed restrictions, it was back to online worship. With the availability of vaccines, FPCLG was able to bring back in-person services on May 2, 2021, but required members to wear masks and appropriately social distance. With a wave of the Delta and Omicron variants in the fall of 2021 and early 2022, FPCLG continued to meet in-person but kept masking and social distancing guidelines in place. Our first mask-optional service that year was held on March 6, 2022.