Session Reflection on Social Justice Statement
In late June 2020, the Session met over video conference, and one of the topics discussed was the meeting notes and summary provided by the Mission and Outreach Committee. The notes contained a poignant statement around the death of George Floyd and the resulting national protests. Our Session discussed at that time releasing that statement in the eNewsletter as a statement of direction for how we as a church could respond to these times. We were not able to come to consensus that evening, and there were multiple changes proposed via email before the statement was eventually released in the following eNews.
We hoped to clarify a few things about this statement. As noted above, it was originally presented as notes from a committee meeting. It was written in the context of a confession, similar to what we do weekly during the worship service, when we come before the congregation and acknowledge our shortcomings—ways we miss the mark, don’t live up to God’s expectations, and how we can do better. When we do this on Sundays, we don’t necessarily talk about our good works (Matthew 6.1-5: “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them…”).
Clearly, any member of our congregation is familiar with FPCLG’s history of leading our community and actively affecting change in the lives of those in need with programs like BEDS, LATH, Food for Life, Night Ministry, Grandparents Project and many others. FPCLG’s outstanding service is what attracted many of us, and keeps many of us as active members of this congregation.
This statement was never meant to be an absolute declaration about FPCLG. As Christians, we believe in equality for all and that our duty is to treat everyone with kindness, respect and dignity.
After this statement was sent out, there was a mixed reaction both from the congregation and members of Session. For some, they were excited and proud to see our church engaging in this discussion. For others, there was consternation that the message was politically-oriented or was overly accusatory in nature. In follow-up Session meetings we discussed potential revisions or next steps. As we struggled with the difficult topics of racism, social justice and FPCLG’s role in the nationwide conversation, it became apparent that we needed to take additional steps before deciding any further actions.
Our next step was a facilitated active listening session which allowed every member of Session to honestly portray their thoughts and feelings. The rest of the group's role in that meeting was not to discuss or respond, but simply to listen and to reiterate the speaker’s point of view. The views discussed in that meeting echoed much of what has been difficult in society and our church these past years. There was tremendous value in the simple process of hearing each other. The capacity to listen and not respond has become harder and harder in our society. We did not reach any specific next steps in that meeting, but the point was to ensure that all individuals were fully heard. As our church looks ahead to a new normal post-COVID, we will need to grapple with these same topics, and it will be essential that we move forward with grace and empathy to all.
Following this listening session, it was also clear that we need to invite the congregation into the conversation. We invite you to express yourself openly and honestly to Session. We will listen with open ears and open hearts. Not looking to respond, but simply to hear what it is you have to say. We will propose multiple means of communication over the next few months. We can open up anonymous forms, accept emails, or even have a small group video call to listen to thoughts and concerns.
It is Session’s firm belief that we need to continue to engage in this topic and it is never going to be “done”. We as a body will always be engaged in the process of becoming more like Christ. We will not always know the right path forward, but we will strive together to that goal. Likewise we will have a variety of viewpoints in the church, and this variety is our strength and part of our identity. We cannot hide away from hard topics, but nor should we alienate each other. We must seek to understand, assume good intent and seek God’s will.
A few specific changes that we will be making moving forward:
More diligence around any statements that are made broadly to the church that there is explicit approval and time to review by members of Session. We agree that we did not take the appropriate amount of time to review and think through the possible reactions to the words as presented.
Mission and Outreach will continue our church’s support of charitable organizations that serve crucial ongoing needs, while also increasing engagement with others whose mission is oriented to pursuing sustainable, justice-centered outcomes.
Session will continue to evaluate our church’s role and identity when it comes to topics of social justice.
As a Session, we have spent countless hours reading, discussing and revising this statement, and to be honest, we could continue to do so. However, we believe it is in the best interest of our congregation to focus our energy and efforts in coming back together in person, continuing our work in being Christ-like and treating everyone with love, kindness, compassion and respect.