Monday Musing — First Presbyterian Church of La Grange

Is Plate Passing Past?

Is Plate Passing Past?

Dear Plate Passers:

At our February Session meeting, the elders had an interesting conversation as we were rethinking the offering plate. In favor of discontinuing the custom of plate passing, it was observed that almost no giving is received in these dependable brass revenue receptacles. Most contributions occur during the business week through automatic transfers, online giving and mailed checks. What is left for the Sunday receipts are largely green, “I gave online” cards and a handful of envelopes containing some cash or checks avoiding the cost of a stamp. ‘Loose offerings’ (un-enveloped cash) have nearly vanished. The Monday ritual of counting the offering used to take more than an hour; now it’s completed in a few minutes.

Another observation regarding offering plates was the undue anxiety experienced when one realizes they have no cash or are unable to contribute