Centennial Cake

On October 27, 1990, our church celebrated its centennial with the theme “A Century of Blessings.” A weekend of activities and fellowship was planned as congregants gathered to “stand in continuity with all of the ‘saints of light’ who came before us and provided the faith and vision to worship and glorify God.”

In 1989 the Katie Mc Gowan Memorial Garden had been established in memory of our Administrative Office Secretary who served over 30 years in this role. Throughout the 1990’s, renovations and repairs continued, including the remodeling of the Chapel and installation of a new clay glazed tile roof that would last a “lifetime.” Funds for the roof were partially offset by 580 members who each bought one of the tiles and autographed it. The autographed tiles “rest snuggly and protectively” on the West exposure of the Sanctuary covering.

Katie McGowan

Katie McGowan Memorial Garden dedicated October 9. 1989

Chapel after 1995 renovations

1996 glazed tile roof

The 21st Century Dawns

The 21st century dawned, and FPCLG continued to evolve to meet the needs of an increasingly technological world. FPCLG’s website was launched in 2000, and communications with the congregation went digital with a weekly e-mail newsletter replacing the monthly print edition in 2012.

In the fall of 2006, House of Hope was added to the Sunday worship schedule, which met in Fellowship Hall from 5:15-6:00 p.m. It was a lay-led service described as “a contemporary worship experience with upbeat music and a down-to-earth message that allows you to come as you are and connect with God and others in a casual setting.” In November of 2008, the contemporary service moved to the Sanctuary and to the morning worship schedule, with the traditional service held at 9:30 a.m. and contemporary at 11:15 a.m.

READ NEXT: “Inviting People into a Life of Meaning and Purpose in Christ” / and then the pandemic…